Caregiver Support


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Caregiver Support Group

Caring for a child with disabilities is hard enough. The good news is that you are not alone. This support group is for parent caring for children with developmental disabilities, such as autism, intellectual disability, and or chronic illnesses. It’s a safe place to discuss the stresses, challenges, and rewards of providing care for a disabled child.
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Caregiver Support Group 

Caring for a parent you love who has become disabled is no easy feat. The good news is that you are not alone. This support group is for adult children caring for their parents who are living with Alzheimer’s or other chronic illnesses. It’s a safe place to discuss the stresses, challenges, and rewards of providing care for a parent as an adult child.
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Caregiver Support Group

Caring for a partner who is disabled has its unique set of challenges. The good news is that you are not alone. This support group is for those caring for their partner who is living with TBI, Alzheimer’s, or other chronic illnesses. It’s a safe place to discuss the stresses, challenges, and rewards of providing care for your romantic partner

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Our Mission is to provide patient and family support with regard to cognitive disorders. More specifically, we aim to provide online caregiver and patient support groups and psychoeducational classes that are aimed at reducing stress and improving cognitive performance and overall quality of live.